RJE Leadership Resolutions for 2021

I think all of us can say unequivocally that 2020 was disruptive for all goals, both personal and professional. Many resolutions never stood a chance against the curveball that was the global pandemic. With that in mind, everyone at RJE is eager to start fresh with a new year and achieve our goals in 2021. We asked the RJE Leadership Team to share their ambitions for this upcoming year. Whether or not the resolutions stick is up to them! Read below to see what priorities the Leadership Team is setting for 2021.

RJE Leadership Resolutions for 2021

Denny Sponsel, CEO & Owner

Professional Resolution: In 2021, I’d like to commit myself to meet with every RJE employee one-on-one for 30 minutes so I can get to know them better.

Personal Resolution: I’d love to take a significant family trip with kids and grandkids so we can really enjoy each other’s company!

Denny Sponsel

Shelly Langona, President of RJE Indiana

Professional Resolution: 2021 will be the year of grace! I look forward to helping myself and RJE drive toward new opportunities and continued growth in these pandemic times.

Personal Resolution: My goal is to be able to travel! We missed several trips in 2020 and I would really like to visit my family in California!

Kevin McKiernan, President of RJE Cincinnati

Professional Resolution: I am going to work to make sure each day provides a learning opportunity — no matter whether it’s reading up on industry developments or fostering more impactful conversations with colleagues and industry leaders.

Personal Resolution: I’m going to focus on two things with the hopes of meeting both goals:

  • Volunteering More: Our neighborhoods and communities need our kindness now more than ever.
  • Make sure I leave enough time in my schedule for myself, my hobbies, and my health.

John Duffy, President of RJE Kentucky

Professional Resolution: Become more of an active listener and continue to improve my emotional intelligence. To build a dynamic team by sharing my experience through mentoring, providing constructive feedback and guidance that facilitates confidence and growth, and to lead by example.

Personal Resolution: To slow down, live more in the moment, and to spend more time with my family having fun with whatever that might be.

John Duffy

Tarra Aufderheide, President of RJE Columbus

Professional Resolution: To continue to be a thought leader in our industry working alongside our clients and the design industry to co-create spaces that inspire and enhance how they work.

Personal Resolution: If travel opens up again, my goal is to go to a yoga retreat with friends. For my family, my resolution is to remember these times where things are slower and take some of these lessons and new family activities and apply them to the “new” normal moving forward.

Tarra Aufderheide

Nancy McMichael, Controller

Professional Resolution: My professional resolution is to read more industry news & publications and connect with other people.

Personal Resolution: After 2020, my personal resolution is to live life to the fullest and travel as much as possible!

Nancy McMichael

Brian Mackenzie, Vice President of Sales

Professional Resolution: I would love the opportunity to meet more of our customers in 2021. These partnerships are so important to our company, and it would be great to have more direct engagement and understand how we can continue to bring them more value.

Personal Resolution: COVID has certainly had an impact on my ability to see my family in New York. My resolution is to spend more time with my immediate and extended family. Virtual connection is just not cutting it anymore!

Chris Miller, Vice President of Operations

Professional Resolution: My goal is to continue developing our team structure. We know we are on the right track and we are starting to see the benefits. I am excited to move past 2020 and develop the true potential of our team.

Personal Resolution: My wife Kelley and I had to cancel our five-year anniversary trip to Hawaii this year, so my personal goal is for us to be able to travel there in 2021!

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