People Who Delight: Spotlight on Lead Installer Tommy Davis

Projects don’t happen without our install team — they’re subject matter experts about all things product and how your space physically comes together. Meet Tommy, one of our lead installers in Cincinnati, who has lots of RJE experience. His passion for your space shines through in all he does.

Get to know more about Tommy below!

Name: Tommy Davis

Current Role: Lead Installer

RJE Location: Cincinnati, OH

How long have you been with RJE?

Officially 2 years – prior to being official, I was contracted with RJE for about 7 years.

What led you to RJE?  

After contracting with RJE for as long as I did, I knew it was a good fit!

What has been your favorite project so far?

Ancra Cargo

What is your favorite thing about working at RJE?

It’s definitely the employees.

Describe RJE in three words:

Lively, unpredictable, exciting.

What does hugging your customer mean to you? 

Doing the things that no one else would think to do.

What can customers expect from working with you?

They can expect honesty, communication, and my best work (to my knowledge).

What is your current favorite product from Allsteel and its portfolio of brands?  

Terrace or Optimize

Describe yourself in three words. 

Energetic, motivated, funny

You are a new addition to a crayon box. What color would you be and why?

Red – it’s a strong color that can be mistaken for a color that isn’t bright.

What emoji do you use the most?

Any and all variations of the laughing emojis.

Favorite way to spend your free time: 

With my fiancé and daughter.

Cats or Dogs?


Favorite place you have ever been:

Marco Island, FL

Favorite downtown Cincy spot:

16-Bit Arcade

Favorite movie or tv show at the moment:

One Piece

Any personal mantra or words to live by that you follow?

Stay ready, never gotta get ready.

horizontal blocks

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