Falkbuilt’s vibrant culture was on full display during the recent Falkbuilt Family Reunion in Scottsdale, AZ. About 300 Falkers from far and wide gathered to hear inspirational speakers, attend round table sessions, enjoy each other’s company, and get in a little pool time.
Topics discussed during the event ranged from the technical aspects of solutions to the marketing and branding of Falkbuilt. This reunion strengthens the relationships between branches and helps to build a strong network of knowledge. For Falkbuilt, this is the single largest event that brings peers together and presents the opportunity to learn from each other.
Some key takeaways from the event included the growth of healthcare opportunities and purpose-built spaces. The Falkbuilt Midwest team was lucky enough to have 7 team members in attendance, with two nominated for the designer awards (Abby Burgess and Amber Gortney). The team cannot wait to share their learnings with you!